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Does Poor Sleep Affect Weight Loss?

Updated: Dec 16, 2020

Sleep As A Method Of Weight Loss

When you are unable to lose weight, you start looking for the causes. What am I doing wrong? Why can't I get rid of critical inches in problem areas once and for all? Why the hand on the scale doesn't drop downwards? While you'd most likely start looking for the causes linked with unbalanced diet or lack of exercise, you'll probably forget to one important aspect...Sleep!

Sleep has many beneficial effects on our health, beauty and last but not least, figure. It is scientifically proven that sleep helps maintain optimal weight, and we can get rid of a few extra pounds. Many people don't realize, that if they want to lose weight, they must sleep uninterruptedly and long enough. For somebody, this may be a trivial matter, but in reality, it's an important factor to the successful dropping of pounds. Lack of sleep slows down your metabolism and increases your risk of overeating the next day, just because you'll be tired.

Hormones Are Responsible For That

You may have already experienced that after a sleepless night or poor sleep, nothing could make you full the next day, so you ate more than usual. This happens because sleep duration affects appetite, which is caused by two hormones - leptin and ghrelin. These hormones monitor the level of hunger and feeling of fullness, and if one of these conditions occurs in the body, they'll alert us to it. However, they only work properly when our body is sufficiently regenerated by sleep. When the body feels its deficient, the level of leptin decreases and the level of ghrelin, which promotes appetite, increases. For this reason, people who sleep less than 7 hours tend to gain weight and the risk of obesity increases by up to 15%.

Lack of sleep can cause, among other problems, disruption of the natural biorhythm, which results in slower calorie burning. Weight loss is also affected by the growth hormone HGH, which converts fats into energy.

The first 3-4 hours of sleep are extremely important, during which our body releases 60-90% of your daily dose of growth hormone. That's why it's not good if you have interrupted sleep! Growth hormone contributes to bone and muscle growth, moreover prepares fat for energy processing too. Decreased levels of this hormone will reduce the ability to metabolize glucose. Simply put, the fat isn't completely processed and therefore is stored.

Improve The Quality Of Your Sleep

The environment in which you sleep is important! The room should have a pleasant temperature, plenty of fresh air, and darkness. Additionally, In the bedroom should be silence and an alarm clock or street light shouldn't shine in your eyes.

Relax before bed! Long watching TV, working on a computer or activity on social networks certainly doesn't help improve your sleep quality. On the other hand, you can try read a good book and you can also try herbal tea from chamomile, honeysuckle, or lavender before bed.

Observe sleep patterns! Although, it's not always possible, you should go to bed at the same time every night. The body gets used to it over time and you fall asleep much easier.

Pay attention to a long and quality sleep. The effects of a lack of sleep are much worse than they might seem! It causes hunger, mood swings, weakened immunity, heart rhythm problems, high blood pressure, overweight or in extreme cases even obesity. Now, you might be asking yourself, "How many hours of sleep are optimal for my body to function properly?" Well, the best that you can do, is to immerse yourself into the realm of dreams for 7 hours. A nine-hour sleep during which you still wake up is worse than a 6-hour uninterrupted sleep!


We strongly hope that these tips and tricks will help you improve the quality of your sleep and take you one step closer to achieving your goals. We'll be happy if you share this article to your friends, don't forget to leave a comment and share with us, what methods do you use to improve the quality of your sleep?


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