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9 Best Teas For Boosting Metabolism and Fat Burning

Updated: Dec 16, 2020

After water, tea is the second most consumed drink in the world. Most often are consumed black and green tea, which comes from the leaves of the Asian plant Camellia Sinensis.

Tea consumption is associated with many health benefits, including the protection of red blood cells against damage or the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Some studies have shown that consuming different types of tea helps with weight loss and boosting metabolism. Some of them are more suitable for this purpose than others. Today, we'll talk about the 10 types of tea that are the best for weight loss and boosting metabolism.

Green Tea

Green tea is perhaps the best known of all teas and one of the best for weight loss. It contains catechins, which are powerful natural antioxidants that improve metabolism and accelerate fat burning, especially in the abdomen and waist. It also contains the bioactive substance EGCG, which has powerful effects on your metabolism. In addition, green tea increases level of hormones that help burn fat.

Black Tea

Black tea contains ingredients that are partially different from green or white tea, but like green tea, it helps to lose weight. It is rich in antioxidants known as flavonoids or polyphenols. They help to produce short-chain fatty acids in the body, which speed up metabolism. It also helps with blood sugar. If you drink coffee and black tea, you significantly reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Already 3 cups of black tea or coffee a day reduce this risk by up to 42%. Studies have shown that this tea can improve the weight loss process. It works by suppressing the synthesis of fatty acids. This prevents the accumulation of fat in adipose tissue. It also lowers blood sugar and triglycerides in the blood.

White Tea

White tea comes from the same plant as green and black tea, but the leaves are still young. It has a delicate to sweet taste that differs from other teas. Its benefits have been studied for years and include for instance improving overall health and destroying cancer cells. White tea prevents the formation of new fat cells, known as adipocytes, and thus helps to lose weight. In addition, it stimulates lipolysis, what is the burning of existing fats.

Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon is known for its sweet aroma and also for adding richness to various dishes. It has few calories and perfectly controls blood sugar levels, which prevents weight gain. Regular consumption of cinnamon or drinking cinnamon tea stimulates digestion, metabolism and literally works wonders when it comes to weight loss, especially in the abdomen. A mixture of cinnamon and honey can stop the accumulation of fat in the body and speed up metabolism. Of all the spices, cinnamon has the third highest content of antioxidants, which prevent unwanted oxidation of lipids.

Turmeric Tea

Turmeric is a yellow Indian spice added to curry sauces. It has a huge number of health benefits for humans, which are described in more detail in this article. The main antioxidant in turmeric is curcumin, which has been used in Chinese and Indian medicine for centuries. It also helps to lose weight and get rid of obesity by treating many metabolic disorders. It reduces insulin resistance, suppresses inflammation, reduces high blood sugar and other metabolic problems. When the body doesn't fight inflammation, it is much easier to lose weight. It is recommended to consume turmeric together with a pinch of black pepper, which improves the absorption of curcumin in the intestines.

Ginger-Lemon Tea

The combination of lemon and ginger has several health benefits. In addition to improving metabolism, it increases energy up to 3 times more than coffee and sugar. These foods are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, so they perfectly strengthen the immune system. They also improve the absorption of nutrients and prevent the storage of fats in the body. The tea is also beneficial to the liver by stimulates bile production and thus improves digestion.

Black Pepper Tea

Easy to prepare, black pepper tea is one of the best ways to consume black pepper for weight loss. You can use ginger, lemon, honey, tulsi, cinnamon, or green tea bags to prepare the tea. Use 1/2 to 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper and drink it before breakfast.

It is said that spicy food can metabolise food faster due to the thermogenic effect. The higher the thermogenic effect, the higher is your body's rate to burn calories. The benefits of black pepper are aplenty.

For instance according to Macrobiotic Nutritionist and Health Practitioner, Shilpa Arora ND, "Black pepper contains piperine, which is a compound that improves digestion and metabolic performance, thus reducing fat accumulation in our body. Adding black pepper tea to our daily diet will help in managing obesity. Moreover, it also helps in the absorption of nutrients in the body, and strengthens our immunity system."

Monk Fruit Tea

Monk fruit sweeteners are 150-200 times sweeter than sugar and contribute sweetness to foods and beverages without adding calories. Monk fruit contains natural sugars, mainly fructose and glucose. However, unlike in most fruits, the natural sugars in monk fruit aren’t responsible for its sweetness. Instead, it gets its intense sweetness from unique antioxidants called mogrosides. Like all no- and low-calorie sweeteners, only very small amounts of monk fruit sweeteners are needed to achieve the sweetness of sugar.

As we said, monk fruit contains a sweetener called mogroside, which is the primary source of sweet taste, and most benefits also come from it. Mogroside wouldn't switch to glucose, so it wouldn't increase the blood sugar. Scientists also found that the mogroside even shows an excellent antioxidant activity, which takes a noticeable inhibiting effect on DNA injury, and scavenging radicals effectively.

Coconut Tea

Coconut tea is a caffeinated herbal infusion that mixes coconut and milk with black or green tea. This creates a nutritious and flavour-rich tea. Coconut is rich in lauric acid, saturated fats, vitamin C, fiber, potassium, magnesium, and iron.

If you are one of the millions of people, all around the world, that happen to be suffering from skin issues like acne, the antioxidants present in the coconut tea can help in your treatment. Fats are most of the time inappropriate for your health but there are good fats like HDL cholesterol as well as lauric acid and those are found in coconut tea.

These fats have the capability of increasing and maintaining your cardiovascular health. With coconut tea by your side, you will be able to work out much longer and lose weight much faster at the same time.


We firmly believe that these tips and tricks will help you to prepare warm, tasty and healthy teas. We'll be happy if you share this article to your friends, don't forget to leave a comment and share with us, what is your favorite tea and what beneficial effect provided to you.


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